Acid Nerve

The Electronic Wireless Show podcast S2 Episode 17: a brief history of everything that ever ran Doom
Porting excellence

The Electronic Wireless Show podcast S2 Episode 16: a Zelda episode as a naked play for your attention
My kingdom for a tears

Supporters only | Death's Door is my kind of Soulslike, and I just can't get enough of it
Probably because it's a Soulslikelite

Death's Door shows off more of its Zelda-inspired crow adventures
Dungeons, puzzles, and big bosses, oh my

Everything that happened at Day Of The Devs 2021
Newness from Axiom Verge 2, Unbeatable and more

Death's Door is the new boss battler from the makers of Titan Souls
Geese hang in parochial villages; crows descend into demon realms