How to beat Mohg, Lord of Blood in Elden Ring
How to beat Mohg, Lord of Blood
Want to know how to beat Mohg, Lord of Blood in Elden Ring? Mohg, Lord of Blood is the harder version of Mohg, the Omen, and one of the last bosses that most Tarnished will encounter in Elden Ring. Mohg is also one of the gatekeepers for Shadow Of The Erdtree, and all players who want to explore the expansion's huge world will need to first endure his vicious blood-letting attacks.
Mohg is here to separate the true warriors from the chaff, and while we recommend reaching level 100 before facing the Lord of Blood, if you can defeat him, then you're at a good level to start the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. This guide will reveal everything you need to find and defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood in Elden Ring before setting out into the Lands of Shadow.
In this guide:
Mohg, Lord of Blood location

Mohg, Lord of Blood, is found within Mohgwyn Palace. You can either get there by progressing White Mask Varré's questline, or you can use the teleporter at the Consecrated Snowfield. The first method gets you to Mohgwyn Palace faster - potentially before level 100 - while the second method is more level appropriate.
For more on both of these methods, check out our guide on how to get to Mohgwyn Palace. Once you're in the palace proper, you'll find that it's actually a fairly small zone. Cross the pools of blood towards the central palace mausoleum, then traverse the tunnels to reach the top. You'll find Mohg at the top of an elevator just after the Mausoleum Midpoint Site of Grace.
How to beat Mohg, Lord of Blood
1. Get your hits in while you can during Mogh's first phase, and watch out for Bloodflames.

Mogh, Lord of Blood has two distinct phases. In the first, he is fairly immobile, and as long as you dodge his spear strikes and Bloodflame Talons - which leave behind three clawmarks in the air - you'll be able to get a good number of hits in. Be wary of any attacks that spray Bloodflame on the ground. If you step in these flames, you'll experience Blood Loss build-up, which will be one of the main factors depleting your health during this lengthy battle.
2. Take note of Mogh's countdown attack, which ends in "Nihil".

As the combat continues, you'll notice Mogh's Ritual Countdown attack. He'll create circular, red marks around your Tarnished's head as his health drops, counting down from three to one in Latin - "Tres," "Duo," "Unnus." As he does this, immediately strafe around him to avoid a huge spear strike, and attack him from behind. Unleash your heavy attacks to potentially break his Poise.
Eventually, a transition occurs when you've depleted around 50% of Mohg's health. After completing his Ritual Countdown three times, Mohg initiates his Bloodboon Ritual by shouting "Nihil", which means "Nothing" in Latin. This is an unavoidable attack that instantly activates Blood Loss on your Tarnished and heals Mohg in the process. Mohg will repeat this two more times and deal enough damage to kill most builds if you don't mitigate or offset the damage.
3. Use the Purifying Crystal Tear to reduce Nihil's damage.
To survive when you hear the dreaded "Nihil," we recommend that you whip up a Purifying Crystal Tear prior to this battle in your Flask of Wondrous Physick. Drinking this specifically prevents Blood Loss as Mohg activates his Bloodboon Ritual, though it won't nullify Mohg's healing.
Of course, to use the Purifying Crystal Tear you will first have to find it. The Tear is a reward from the later stages of Bloody Finger Hunter Yura's questline. You'll need to meet Yura at the Second Church of Marika on Altus Plateau, and help him defeat Bloody Finger Eleonara. If you aren't caught up on the quest, you can check up all of its steps in the Yura section of our Elden Ring quest guide.
4. If you don't have the Purifying Crystal Tear, chug Crimson Tears to survive Nihil.
The more obvious - if less efficient - solution to Nihil's extreme damage is to just heal through it. The ability hits terribly hard, but you have a brief window to heal between the three casts. If you've upgraded your Flask of Crimson Tears to +12 by finding all the Sacred Tears, you can make up for most of the lost health with two charges. It's easier to afford those flask charges if you have the max of 14, so track down more Golden Seeds if you aren't quite there. This is far from an elegant solution, but it gets the job done.
5. Survive Mohg's second phase by monitoring his wing attacks, staying close, and potentially unlocking your camera.

Following the Bloodboon Ritual, the Lord of Blood grows a pair of wings and becomes far more mobile. Mohg will occasionally fly up into the air before swooping down with his trident and unleashing spurts of Bloodflame. His combos are longer and his attacks are more dangerous in this stage. Managing the arena also gets trickier, as Mogh increasingly leaves pools of Bloodflame scattered about.
You'll benefit from keeping close to Mohg during this phase. Continue aggressively unleashing heavy attacks if you can, and be aware that the locked-on camera view is nice for keeping track of Mohg as he flies about. However, it also makes it harder to keep tabs on nearby Bloodflame patches. If you find yourself circle-strafing to your death, consider disabling lock-on to get a more holistic view of the arena.
6. Use Mohg's Shackle for free damage.
Mohg's Shackle is a helpful tool for this fight, and can get you through the first phase quicker. It functions much like Margit's Shackle, which you may have found during the Patches side quest. Activate the Shackle to lock Mohg in place and earn a free crit, securing some safe damage in his first phase. Unfortunately, the Shackle only works when Mohg's health is nearly full, so they won't work in the second phase. Still, free damage is free damage.
You can find the Shackles deep in the Subterranean Shunning Grounds. Head down to the bottom of the sewer area to find them under a spewing pipe in the far southeast of the room. You can reach them fastest from the Underground Roadside Site of Grace. For more on the Subterranean Shunning Grounds (and on Mohg, The Omen, who awaits at the end of this large underground network), take a look at our Elden Ring boss locations guide.
Mohg, Lord of Blood rewards

If you've gotten this far and managed to beat Mohg, congratulations! Bask in the victory, take a deep breath, and enjoy the following rewards:
- Mohg's Great Rune
- Remembrance of the Blood Lords
- 420,000 Runes
You can now activate the Cocoon of the Empyrean Site of Grace. If you've also defeated Starscourge Radahn, you're ready to start the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Touch the withered arm poking out of the cocoon on Mohg's throne to be transported to the Land of Shadow.
That's everything you need to defeat Mohg, Lord of Blood! If you want to prepare for this battle and other tough fights ahead, take a look at our guides on the best weapons, best spells, and best armor in Elden Ring. If you're looking for other bosses, take a look at our Elden Ring boss locations guide. And if you've just beaten Mohg and are about to start Elden Ring's expansive DLC, check out our guide on what to do first in Shadow of the Erdtree.