How to get to Cathedral of Manus Metyr in Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree
Here's how to make your way to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr in Shadow of the Erdtree
Want to know how to get to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr in Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree? The Cathedral of Manus Metyr is an important locale in Shadow Of The Erdtree if you want to meet Count Ymir, an important NPC in Elden Ring's huge expansion. Getting there requires making your way through Castle Ensis, then navigating the windy road through the eastern edge of Scadu Altus.
For those who are getting lost along the way, read on. In this guide, we'll reveal everything you need to do to get to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree.
How to get to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr in Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree

In order to make it to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr, you first need to make your way through Castle Ensis, which separates the Gravesite Plain from Scadu Altus. Once you've circumvented the threats of the Castle and defeated its boss, Rellana, Twin Moon Knight, you'll be able to exit and come upon the Highroad Cross Site of Grace. From there, you're going to want to veer northward until you reach a crossroads. You might as well pick up the Scadu Altus Map Fragment at this intersection while you're in the area.

At the crossroads, take the eastern stretch of road and veer to the southeast until you get to the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace. Gallop through the ruined village and in its southern corner, you'll notice a massive hole in the ground. This part is a little annoying - you'll need to hop along narrow outcroppings and rooftops to descend to the bottom of the pit without dying. Hug and jump to the the ledges along the side of the cave walls as much as possible, though this might take a couple tries. You can also use Torrent's double jump to reach ledges that you wouldn't otherwise be able to hop to.

There are a few enemies to dispatch once you've reached the bottom of the pit. Keep going past them and you'll find a ladder. Climb the ladder and you'll be at the Bonny Village Site of Grace. From Bonny Village, head east along two rope bridges and follow the road northwards. There's a Furnace Golem lurking along the path, so steer clear of this fiery giant unless you want to test your skills at blowing it up with Hefty Furnace Pots.

Once you've curved around the bend, you'll be at the Church District Highroad Site of Grace. The Cathedral of Manus Metyr is to the south of this save point, in the dark swath of trees. Congrats, you made it! Once you're inside, open the gate doors and talk with Count Ymir, the head priest sitting on the throne in the centre of the ruined room. If you keep talking to him a few times, he'll offer up some Sorceries for sale. And if you're interested in everything Ymir has to offer, check out our guide to Ymir's complex questline.

That finishes our look at how to navigate to the Cathedral of Manus Metyr in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. If you're still playing the base game and trying to figure out the fastest way to commence this massive DLC, check out our tips on how to start Shadow Of The Erdtree. We also have guides on getting to several other areas in the DLC, including the Cerulean Coast and Charo's Hidden Grave. Alternatively, if you need help with Shadow Of The Erdtree's new quests, head to our walkthroughs for the Leda, Thiollier and Moore questlines.