All Star Tower Defense codes list [August 2024]
All the latest All Star Tower Defense codes
Looking for the latest All Star Tower Defense codes to redeem for free gems and more? All Star Tower Defense is one of Roblox's most popular and enduring tower defense games, where the "towers" are characters from popular anime. Some of these characters are much stronger than others, so you should get the strongest characters possible if you want to survive against all the oncoming enemies.
You can get new characters by summoning them with gems. There are a few ways to get gems, but the easiest way to get gems is by using All Star Tower Defense codes. Each of the codes in the list above gives you lots of gems for free, which you can use to start summoning lots of new and powerful characters.
On this page:
- All Star Tower Defense codes list
- How to redeem All Star Tower Defense codes
- Expired All Star Tower Defense codes
All Star Tower Defense codes list
- animecardbattle: Gems and Stardust
- fraudkunaupdate: 9,000 Gems; 220 Stardust (+50 level and 5 minutes playtime required)
- egoupdate: 9,000 Gems; 220 Stardust (+50 level and 10 minutes playtime required)
How to redeem All Star Tower Defense codes
To redeem All Star Tower Defense codes, just open up All Star Tower Defense and then click the cog icon in the top-left of the screen. Then click on the "Enter Code" box and type in your codes one by one.

Bear in mind though, that codes in All Star Tower Defense often have minimum level and playtime requirements. So if you've only just started ASTD, you'll have to level up a bit before you can start redeeming codes and getting free rewards.

Expired All Star Tower Defense codes
If you're trying a code and it doesn't work, the reason is that it's expired and won't work anymore. Below is a list of expired All Star Tower Defense codes which no longer work:
- miniupd393
- tradingupdate
- HunterStarPass
- hope2024
- Tsukuyomi2024
- thankyoufor6bvisits
- 24hoursupdate
- animeroulette1
- EnumaElish2024
- videocode12135
- blamspot500kcodeunitrelease
- tournamentstart
- newupdate1121
- UpdateThisWeek
- happyholidays1
- happyholidays2
- sorry4delay
- PreChriistmas2023
- newstarpass69
- happy3yearanniversary
- srry4delay
- happyspookymonth
- newupdatecode
- NewWorld2
- UniverseReset
- TheDrumsOfLiberation
- TheDrumsOfLiberation2
- 6billionvisits
- july4threalupdate
- abouttimesnowrbx2023
- NavyXFlameOtherCode
- sorryfordelayupdate2
- happylatemothersday
- navyxflamelate200kcodeomg
- ASTDEggOpenedFinally
- Blamsdefnotlate300kcode
- Chainsmoke91
- rolerewardcode
- youtubekingluffy350kdone
- melonmen1
- newupdcode3
- newupdcode2
- blamsponge
- diablo12
- maintenacecode15
- sorryforlongdelay
- navyxflame170kyoutubereal
- thankyoufor5bvisits
- delayp
- lvlreqny
- happyholidays
- mbshutdown
- world3isherem
- winterguy19
- 2yearanniversaryduo
- 2yearanniversary
- newstarcode
- stardustupdate
- Hooray50k
- ASTDDragonoidBakugan
- 1millikes
- timechamberfix
- summerwoo2022
- owouch
- changesjune
- allstarspring
- astd1millikes
- NavyXFlame130kNoLeak
- newaprilupdate
- ticketupdate
- -ASTDDevs
- 100KClypso
- 100Ksubnavyxflame
- 1billionvisit21drip
- 1bvisit1b
- 1mgroupmembers
- 2021memorialday2021x
- 2bcodeswagmodeblazeit
- 2k20merrychristmas2k20
- 4partyrocking
- 4thofjulyupdate
- 600klikes
- 700mil
- addnewunitstobannerfix
- anniversaryastd
- astdx2022
- bigbangrah
- biggerthanlife1
- bigtim
- codecodeyayhooray
- codeoflight
- codeofprisma
- congratulations2kingluffy300ksubscribersonyoutube300k
- december2021
- decemberfun2020
- diamondnowina
- eastercoda21
- eatlotsonthanksgiving
- epicnew
- freedom
- fromastd
- fruit
- fruit100k
- fruitgame
- fruitysubmore
- gamebreakingvisits101
- gameon2021
- goldgemgold
- handsoftime
- happyhalloween2021
- hchgaming
- helloworld2021
- howareyoutodaymyfriendo
- hunudthousand
- igot2look
- illbewatchingyou
- incredibledayum
- isitthenewerayet
- jahajha
- kelvin500ksubs
- KingLuffyFan200k
- lateupdatendat
- lesgolesgoyuuh
- lieawake
- likeapartyonthelist
- likethegamepog2021
- liketo280k
- liketo320k
- listentothemusic132
- longmaintenance
- longwait
- lovetobrazil
- lovetofightastd
- merrychristmas2k21
- minishutdown
- morecodeforyouxd
- mrworldwide
- mytimerchamber
- navyxflame80ksubs
- NavyxFlameYT60K
- nooshutdown
- novemberupdate
- nowherescoredeal
- ohmahgawdskill
- omgdiscordpopoff
- pert
- quickshut
- rainmen
- roadto300kuwu
- robloxyay
- rwarhappynewyear2k21
- Sebbydesu9000
- septemberupdate21
- shotofmemories
- showmenow
- shutdownagaincode21
- smoothcriminal2
- somemorenewcoode
- specialkingluffy100k
- starshipway
- subinferman
- subtome
- subtosnuglife
- supernaruto
- supertime
- superwoop
- tacotuesday
- thecityofangels
- themadao
- theotheronecode
- thisisthenewestcode
- thursdayfun
- tysmfor1mfavorite
- ultramove
- Update53021
- updatebelike
- updatejune2021
- winterbreakwhen
- world2comingsoon
- world2ishere
- wowshutdown
- yellowsix
That's all we have on the topic of All Star Tower Defense codes; but if you want to kit your Roblox character in all the best free swag, be sure to check out our Roblox promo codes list as well while you're here. If you're into anime-inspired Roblox games, we've also got codes pages on Blox Fruits and Anime Dimensions for your enjoyment; and elsewhere, there's our list of the best Roblox games to play.