Wired Productions

Deliver Us Mars developers lay off all staff but plan to 'rebuild brick by brick'
They "exhausted" all options to find a new project

PC Game Pass in January adds Resident Evil 2 Remake and an Assassin’s Creed that will last you until 2025
Close to the Sun, Hell Let Loose and We Happy Few also among this month's offerings

EGX Highlights: 8 great games from the Rezzed Zone you need to play
Our favourites from the showfloor so far

Martha Is Dead review: horror that confuses being horrible with being horrifying
There's a time and a face

Arcade Paradise makes everything a game, including your boring chores
Snag a high score in its new demo

Flip your dad's crap laundromat into a local hotspot in Arcade Paradise
Classic last century teens, flipping businesses for fun

The Falconeer just let loose a free DLC that lets you be a proper pirate
You can now commit serious high skies piracy

Grip: Combat Racing adds free anti-grav cars and space-tracks
Four wheels good. No wheels better.

The gravity-defying Grip: Combat Racing flips out of early access
You turn me right round, baby, right round